Water Testing Services
Advance Inspection Testing lab provides water testing services, water testing kits( Merit Brand), water testing consultancy all equipments for the testing. contact a state certified laboratory to perform the test.

Water Testing Services
When anhydrous copper(II) sulfate is mixed with water, it will absorb the water and change in appearance, becoming a blue crystalline solid. There are three water quality parameters that help to measure the quality of water, which include physical parameters, chemical parameters, and biological parameters. The physical parameters include color, taste, odor, temperature, turbidity, solids, and electrical conductivity.
High Quality
Presence of an In-house Research & Testing facility ensures each Jagdamba 120 product confers to stringent quality norms.
Trust of the customer is our most precious assets and we go a long way in delivering the best of it.
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The water TDS full form is Total Dissolved Solids, which is the total concentration of dissolved substances in water. TDS comprises organic matter and inorganic salts such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and others.

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Contact Details
- E-5/71, Kh No-175, Surya Kumar Choudhary, Street No-12/2, 5th Pusta, Delhi - 110094, India
- +91-9899705937, +91-8920039595
- info.etrl01@gmail.com
- https://etrl.in/
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