Chemical Testing Services

Chemical testing identifies the presence of specific contaminants, and the manufacturer can then use this information to identify and rectify the causes of contamination. Trace contamination may be in the form of particles, cloudiness, surface residue, or trace chemicals left over from the manufacturing process.

Chemical Testing Services

Chemical testing and analysis are critical for ensuring regulatory compliance as well as determining the quality and content of chemicals and products used in products, industrial activities, and manufacturing. The ability to use the most appropriate methodology and specific industry knowledge are the keys to successful chemical testing. Advanced analytical apparatus or a combination of techniques are required to solve challenges or determine composition.

High Quality

Presence of an In-house Research & Testing facility ensures each Jagdamba 120 product confers to stringent quality norms.


Trust of the customer is our most precious assets and we go a long way in delivering the best of it.

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Verify full compliance with all international chemical safety requirements. Minimizes the potential exposure of users to any chemical safety risks. Verifies that your products meet all national and international standards.

Evergreen Economy Testing &
Research Laboratory

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