Tobacco Product Testing Services
There are three main characteristics that define tobacco quality and maturity: color, texture and aromas, though color is widely used as the main factor for quality and maturity assessment.

Tobacco Product Testing Services
Since 1987 the Tobacco Institute Testing Laboratory (TITL) has continued to test most cigarettes, using the Commission's approved methodology; the companies report the results to the Commission pursuant to a compulsory request, and the Commission publishes the results. A saliva test is considered the most sensitive way to detect cotinine, and it can detect it for up to 4 days. Hair testing is a reliable way to figure out long-term use of tobacco products and can be very accurate for as long as 1 to 3 months after you stop using tobacco.
High Quality
Presence of an In-house Research & Testing facility ensures each Jagdamba 120 product confers to stringent quality norms.
Trust of the customer is our most precious assets and we go a long way in delivering the best of it.
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Straight to the important bit, does tobacco expire? Well no, not exactly. Let us explain: Tobacco is considered to be a semi-perishable product, but it does not have a specific expiration date.

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- E-5/71, Kh No-175, Surya Kumar Choudhary, Street No-12/2, 5th Pusta, Delhi - 110094, India
- +91-9899705937, +91-8920039595
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