OTC Testing Services
over-the-counter (OTC) drug products verify product safety and quality by providing fast, flexible laboratory testing with precision and accuracy.

Toxicology and Stability Testing
OTC Testing Services provides proctoring services for students, faculty and community patrons. We do this by ensuring examination integrity through ID verification and by providing safe and accessible testing environments with minimal distractions. There are Testing Services offices at every OTC location. OTC Testing Services provides proctored examinations for students enrolled in OTC courses, and a variety of other testing platforms. OTC testing services laboratory for OTC drug products. First-to-market innovation, fast & flexible service, direct connection to our team of experts. Alfa Chemistry's OTC test lab, with our many years of experience in medical testing, has a team of talented, knowledgeable and patient experts and researchers .

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Contact Details
- E-5/71, Kh No-175, Surya Kumar Choudhary, Street No-12/2, 5th Pusta, Delhi - 110094, India
- +91-9899705937, +91-8920039595
- info.etrl01@gmail.com
- https://etrl.in/
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