Physical Chemistry

Product chemistry is at the heart of your chemical and product success. Your chemical’s testing requirements and regulatory pathway is determined by its physicochemical characteristics. We've been helping customers characterize and assess the stability of their chemical compounds for decades. Whether you need help conducting common tests on standard substances or novel studies designed for difficult-to-analyze entities, our scientific expertise and solution-oriented approach can help deliver results. With extensive capacity, excellent facilities and a cross-functional staff across two sites in the UK, we can flex according to your needs.

Extensive analytical capability

We have extensive facilities, fully equipped with a wide range of analytic equipment. Tests that we do not have in house are subcontracted to established suppliers:
HPLC (UV, FLD, RI, MS, ELS, DAD) GC (FID, NPD, ECD, FPD, MS) IR UV/Vis Molecular weight distribution Auto-titration Ion chromatography ICP-MS NMR

Evergreen Economy Testing &
Research Laboratory

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